Olivia Swisher

For Executive Board, Middle School - MORE-UFT

Olivia is an art and SEL teacher in Brooklyn.

I am a proud union member and chapter leader. Having started my career as a teacher in a “Right-to Work” state, I know what it means to teach without a union. I moved back to New York City specifically for the union. As a chapter leader I have led my chapter through the grievance process, I have organized campaigns and collective actions, I have advocated for members’ rights, and have worked vigitantly to uphold our contract. I am running for a Middle School Executive Board seat because I believe in the power of our union. I also believe our union can be stronger. We are the largest local in the country but we do not harness the power of  members. Far too often, decisions are made for us, but without us. I am running because I believe every member of the UFT should have a say in the decisions that directly impact their lives. If teaching through the pandemic has taught us anything, it is that the decisions and deals made in boardrooms often fall short and that is because we, the rank-and-file, are not in the room. I am running to work to build a better union, a union, where the rank-and-file are the union’s leadership.